The flight to New York City was brief and easy but upon arrival we found that the onward flight to Santiago was delayed. That gave us 5 hours to spend at JFK.
Over breakfast we shared our expectations, hopes and concerns about this mission, and Cal recommended that we all read "The Demons of Poverty". As well as his copy we were able to download it, so some of us are well into the book.
When we finally boarded, we had a slightly rough flight to Santiago, but once there, found all our luggage and a couple of vans to move us and the stuff to the hotel.
We all felt the need to freshen up, and then met for dinner. Cal shared the course material for the course used to train Haitians in self-sufficiency, business and life skills. By then we were all ready to find our beds and rest up for the 4 hour bus trip to Cap Haitien tomorrow.
Photo Collection New York to Santiago, Dominican Republic
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